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Lost World Short Film Festival | 2022
Paleochora, SW Crete | May 28 -June 2

The First Paleochora Lost World Short Film Festival launches in June 2019 in association with the Municipality of Kandanos Selinou. The 'Lost World' of Paleochora nestles 55 between the Mountains and Sea in South West Crete and is the perfect location for Filmmakers to convene to show their work, network with colleagues and enjoy our fabulous Cretan hospitality. We may be at the most southern point of Europe, but there are BIG Film things happening here and on the entire Island of Crete. Our main aim will be to select short films of all genres which focus on great storytelling. Find out more by navigating our pages. We look forward to your Film Submission. Accepted durations up to 30 mins.

Donate with PayPal

Our Film Festival is a non-funded community initiative which relies on Donations for all operating and essentials costs. Your Donation is welcome and much appreciated. If the Donate button does not take you to Paypal in English, or if you need Paypal in you own language, please use this e-mail address to Donate:

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